After the tour, we have to change the office from Daiohall to a studio in Kyushu U./Hakozakki Campus, where we have to work in group with a student from Japan.
The program is to renovate an old building, which is an historical building in Fukuoka, also in Japan. All of them might be demolish bacause the university will close this campus and move to a new campus in the south part of Fukuoka.
There are 3 buildings to chose. First, is The Main Auditorium which is design by the important architect in Fukuoka.Second is Faculty of Engeneering Building, which is the landmark of the university and the Japanese emperor have been visited here.And last, is the Administration Building, which is the iconic building of the Taisho period.
We have to seperate into 5 groups. Each group have to chose the building(s) and design how to keep the building while all area around is going to be something like factory, arts center or maybe transportation center.Actually, there are some idea about the landuse of the Hakozaki Campus in the future, but sensei said we did not have to think about the program that much, just have to create the 21st century space which is feasible and extraordinary.
I was in the group E with Papawin and we have 3 students from Japan, Kyosuke-san and Akihiro -san from Kyushu U. and Arai-san from Tokyo Denki U. After that we have to walk around the university to make a decision about the building. And we have a mid-jury on 9 pm. That mean we have 6 hours to chose a building and made a proposal to present to sensei.
After walking and voting, we all chose 2 building, Administration Building and Faculty of engeneer, which is face together and have a huge open space between it (I will uplod the photo of it soon.)
Next to the university is an old neighbourhood from Edo period so we decide to turn that huge space into a large open space and build a machiya(Japanese row house) around to connect a building we chose and the community around.And that huge space will conect to the road which is use for the festival, the plaza will be the center of the town, plenty of activities such as festivals, recreation or playing sports and the building will use for a town center or housing which can see the activitise in that plaza.
(more information will be upload in the next day)
Kullatus Siriruchatapong
Department of Architecture
Faculty of Architecture
Chulalongkorn University